Computational Physics
Publications: List of talks
- 2014:
- H. De Raedt,
"From logical inference to quantum theory",
M-Lecture, Brodfabrik, Villa Kircher, Mettman, February 2014
- 2013:
- H. De Raedt,
"Quantum theory as the most robust description of
reproducible experiments",
A Marcus Wallenberg Symposium "Quantum Theory: Advances and
Problems” – QTAP, Vaxjo, June 2013
- H. De Raedt,
"Quantum theory as the most robust description of
reproducible experiments",
International Symposium on Decoherence and Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Néel Institute, Grenoble, July 2013
- H. De Raedt,
"Quantum theory as the most robust description of
reproducible experiments",
Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics (FQMT’13), Prague, July 2013
- H. De Raedt,
"Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm laboratory experiments: data analysis and simulation",
SPIE Conference "The nature of light: What are photons? V", San Diego, August 2013
- H. De Raedt,
"Quantum theory as the most robust description of
reproducible experiments",
SPIE Conference "The nature of light: What are photons? V", San Diego, August 2013
- H. De Raedt,
"From the observation of events to quantum mechanics",
Univ. Nijmegen, November 2013
- 2012:
- H. De Raedt,
"Event-by-Event Simulation of Quantum Phenomena",
Atom Institut, Vienna, January 2012
- H. De Raedt,
"Event-by-Event Simulation of Quantum Phenomena",
Univ. Nijmegen, January 2012
- H. De Raedt,
"Decoherence and equilibration of many-body systems",
3rd International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism, Istanbul, April 2012
- H. De Raedt,
"Event-by-event simulation of neutron interferometry experiments",
Quantum Theory: Reconsideration of Foundations – 6, Vaxjo, June 2012
- H. De Raedt,
"Discrete-event simulation of quantum phenomena",
Advanced School on Quantum Foundations and Open Quantum Systems, João Pessoa, Brazil, July 2012
- H. De Raedt,
"Simulation of a neutron experiment confirming Ozawa’s universally valid error-disturbance relation",
Cooperative Quantum Dynamics and its Control (CQDC’12)”, Jülich, October 2012
- H. De Raedt,
"Decoherence of Rabi oscillations in diluted paramagnet",
International Workshop on Dynamics and Manipulation of Quantum Systems, Tokyo, February 2011
- H. De Raedt,
"Insights on Realistic Quantum Computing Devices from Simulation",
DEISA-PRACE Symposium, Helsinki, April 2011
- H. De Raedt,
"Testing the applicability of quantum theory to event-based processes",
Foundations of Probability and Physics (FPP6), Växjö June 2011
- D.G. Stavenga,
"Photonic structures on the wings of birds and butterflies",
First International Symposium on Natural Photonic Structures, Shanghai, June 2011
- B.D. Wilts,
"Large domain diamond-type photonic crystals in
Entimus imperialis and the signal broadening by the scale arrangement",
First International Symposium on Natural Photonic Structures, Shanghai, June 2011
- D.G. Stavenga,
"Photoreceptors and colour vision in butterflies"
The Rank Prize Funds. Symposium on Visual Optics and Photoreception, Windermere, UK, June 2011
- B.D. Wilts,
"Reflections on insect wings - coloration and visibility"
The Rank Prize Funds. Symposium on Visual Optics and Photoreception, Windermere, UK, June 2011
- H. De Raedt,
"Towards an Event-Based Corpuscular Model for Optical Phenomena",
Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics (FQMT’11), Prague, July 2011
- D.G. Stavenga,
"Display and camouflage by butterflies, beetles and birds",
DSTL-AFSOR Conference, Chilworth Manor, Southampton, UK, July 2011
- H. De Raedt,
"Towards an Event-Based Corpuscular Model for Optical Phenomena",
SPIE Conference "The nature of light: What are photons? IV", San Diego, August 2011
- H. De Raedt,
"Analysis and simulation of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm experiments",
International Workshop on Simulation and Manipulation of Quantum Systems for Information Processing (SMQS-IP2011),
Jülich, October 2011
- D.G. Stavenga,
"Photonic Structures On The Wings Of Birds And Butterflies",
Geometry of Interfaces, Primosten, Croatia, October 2011
- B. Wilts,
"Direct Brillouin zone imaging of biological photonic crystals",
Geometry of Interfaces, Primosten, Croatia, October 2011
- 2010:
- H. De Raedt,
"Event-based Corpuscular Model for Quantum Optics Experiments",
AQT Advances in Quantum Theory, Växjö, June 2010
- B.D. Wilts,
"Imaging scatterometry of biological photonic structures",
5th EOS Topical Meeting on Advanced Imaging Techniques, Engelberg, Switzerland, June - July 2010
- H. De Raedt,
"Quantum dynamical evolution towards equilibrium",
Statistical Physics of Quantum Systems, Tokyo, August 2010
- 2009:
- H. De Raedt,
"Quantum Spin Dynamics on the IBM BlueGene/P",
Supercomputing in Solid State Physics 2009, Tokyo, February 2009
- H. De Raedt,
"Event-by-Event Simulation of Quantum
Colloqium, University of Mainz, May 2009
- H. De Raedt,
"Particle-only simulation of double-slit
5th International Conference on Quantum Theory:
Reconsideration of Foundations - 5, Växjö, June 2009
- H. De Raedt,
"Origin of the Canonical Ensemble: Thermalization with
The second international workshop on dynamics and manipulation
of quantum systems, Tokyo, October 2009
- H. De Raedt,
"The Logic of Boole, Bell and Quantum Theory",
FMF symposium, A Bit of
Information, Groningen, November 2009
- 2008:
- H. De Raedt,
"Computer Simulation of Wheeler's delayed
choice experiment",
Workshop on Recent Developments in Computer Simulation Studies
in Condensed Matter Physics, Athens, Georgia,
February 2008
- H. De Raedt,
"Event-by-Event Simulation of Quantum Phenomena",
University of Amsterdam, February 2008.
- H. De Raedt,
"Event-by-Event Simulation of Quantum Phenomena",
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, April 2008.
- H. De Raedt,
"Event-by-Event Simulation of Quantum Phenomena",
Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics, Prague 2008
- S. Shuang, S. Yuan, K. Michielsen, H. De
computer simulation of Wheelers delayed choice experiment with
Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics, Prague July 2008
- H. De Raedt,
"Quantum Spin Dynamics and Boole's Conditions of Possible
International workshop on dynamics and manipulation of quantum
systems, Tokyo, October 2008
- 2007:
- H. De Raedt,
"Unified Framework For Numerical Algorithms To
Solve The Time-dependent Maxwell Equations",
WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Computational Nano-Photonics, Bad Honnef, February, 2007.
- H. De Raedt,
"Event-by-Event Simulation of Quantum Phenomena",
5th Brazilian Meeting on Simulational Physics, Ouro
Preto, Brazil, August, 2007.
- H. De Raedt,
"Computer Simulation of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm experiments
with photons",
Conference on Computational Physics CCP2007,
Brussels, Belgium,
September 2007
- H. De Raedt,
"Relaxation and decoherence in quantum spin systems",
The 21COE International Symposium on the Linear Response Theory
in Commemoration of its 50th Anniversary,
Tokyo, Japan, November 2007
- H. De Raedt,
Nanophotonics and Tera-scale computing: A colorful world,
Sara Superdag on Petascale Computing, Amsterdam, December 2007
- 2006:
- H. De Raedt,
"Event-by-event simulation of EPR-Bohm
Workshop on Recent Developments in Computer Simulation Studies
in Condensed Matter Physics, Athens, Georgia,
February 2006
- H. De Raedt,
"Event-by-event simulation of quantum phenomena",
IMM Symposium, University of Nijmegen (NL), May, 2006
- H. De Raedt,
"Advances in unconditional techniques",
NUMDIFF'11, Halle (D), September, 2006
- 2005:
- K. Michielsen,
"Deterministic event-based simulation of universal quantum
Workshop on Recent Developments in Computer Simulation Studies
in Condensed Matter Physics, Athens, Georgia,
February 2005
- H. De Raedt,
"Event-by-event simulation of quantum phenomena",
Workshop on Recent Developments in Computer Simulation Studies
in Condensed Matter Physics, Athens, Georgia,
February 2005
- H. De Raedt,
"Event-by-event Simulation of Universal Quantum Computation",
Exploratory Workshop: Manipulating Quantum Spins and Classical
Dots, Les Houches, France, 29 April 2005
- H. De Raedt,
"Werken aan de grenzen van het denken",
Symposium, T.F.V. "Professor Francken", University of Groningen,
December 2005
- 2004:
- K. Michielsen,
"Simulation of ideal and physical quantum computers"
John van Neumann Institute, Forschungszentrum Jlich, Germany,
January 2004
- H. De Raedt,
"Unified framework for numerical methods to solve the
time-dependent Maxwell equations",
EUROM 2004 (Euro Electromagnetics),
Magdeburg, Germany, July 2004
- H. De Raedt,
"Unified framework for numerical methods to solve the
time-dependent Maxwell equations",
RIKEN, Tokyo, Japan, July 2004
- H. De Raedt,
"New method to simulate quantum interference using deterministic
processes", International Conference on Statistical Physics and
Quantum Systems, Sendai, Japan, July 2004
- 2003:
- J.S. Kole,
"Accurate and unconditionally stable algorithms that solve the
time evolution of electromagnetic, elastodynamic and acoustic
wavefields", SIAM Conference on Computational Science and
Engineering 2003, San Diego, California, February 2003
- H. De Raedt,
"If we would have a quantum computer, what can we do with it ?",
Ames Laboratory, February 2003
- K. Michielsen,
"Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nanoindentation"
Workshop on Recent Developments in Computer Simulation Studies
in Condensed Matter Physics, Athens, Georgia, March 2003
- H. De Raedt,
"Decoherence in Quantum Spin Systems",
Workshop on Recent Developments in Computer Simulation Studies
in Condensed Matter Physics, Athens, Georgia, March 2003
- H. De Raedt,
"Simulation of Ideal and Physical Quantum Computers",
Summer school "Quantum Computation at at the Atomic Scale"
(QCAS2003), Istanbul, June 2003
- K. Michielsen,
"QCE: A Simulator for Quantum Computer Hardware",
Summer school "Quantum Computation at at the Atomic Scale"
(QCAS2003), Istanbul, June 2003
- H. De Raedt,
"One-step algorithm to solve the time-dependent Maxwell
IEEE AP-S International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation
and USNC/CNC/URSI North American Radio Science Meeting,
Columbus, Ohio, June 2003
- H. De Raedt,
"New and old numerical methods for solving the time-dependent
Maxwell equations",
International Conference on Scientific Computation and
Differential Equations (SciCADE 03), Trondheim, Norway, June
- M.T. Figge,
"Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Dislocation Dynamics during
International Conference on Computational and Experimental
Engineering and Sciences,
ICCES 2003, Corfu, July 2003
- H. De Raedt,
"Energy-level diagrams of high-spin and low-spin molecules",
Third International Conference on Magnetic and Superconducting
Materials (MSM03), Monastir, Tunisia, September 2003
- K. Michielsen,
"Photonic bandgap materials and their morphology", University of
Twente, September, 2003
- H. De Raedt,
"Simulation of Ideal and Physical Quantum Computers",
University of Antwerp, Belgium, October 2003
- H. De Raedt,
"Computational Methods for Nanoscale Magnets"
International workshop on Physics on Nanoscale Magnets, Kyoto,
Japan, December 2003
- K. Michielsen,
"Simulation of ideal and physical quantum computers"
FOM Veldhoven (NL), December 2003
- 2002:
- K. Michielsen,
"Morphological Image Analysis: Application to Polymer Systems",
Department of Chemistry, University of Leiden, January 2002
- J.S. Kole,
"Unconditionally Stable Algorithms to Solve the Time-Dependent
Maxwell Equations",
Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, February 2002
- H. De Raedt,
"New Unconditionally Stable Algorithms to Solve the
Time-Dependent Maxwell Equations",
Workshop on Recent Developments in Computer Simulation Studies
in Condensed Matter Physics, Athens, Georgia, March 2002
- K. Michielsen,
"Chebyshev method to Solve the Time-Dependent Maxwell Equations"
Workshop on Recent Developments in Computer Simulation Studies
in Condensed Matter Physics, Athens, Georgia, March 2002
- J.S. Kole,
"New Unconditionally Stable Algorithms to Solve the
Time-Dependent Maxwell Equations", The 2002 International
Conference on Computational Science, Amsterdam, April 2002
- H. De Raedt,
"Quantum Computers as Physical Systems",
Spring Meeting of the Dutch Physical Society, Groningen, April
- H. De Raedt,
"New numerical methods for solving the Time-Dependent Maxwell
International Computational Accelerator Physics Conference 2002,
Michigan, October 2002
- H. De Raedt,
"New numerical methods for solving the Time-Dependent Maxwell
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, November 2002
- H. De Raedt,
"If we would have a quantum computer, what can we do with it ?",
Colloqium, University of Groningen, November 2002
- 2001:
- H. De Raedt,
"If we would have a quantum computer, what can we do with it ?",
University of Wuppertal, Germany, February 2001
- H. De Raedt,
"If we would have a quantum computer, what can we do with it ?",
QRANDOM, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, February 2001
- H. De Raedt,
"If we would have a quantum computer, what can we do with it ?",
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, March 2001
- H. De Raedt,
"If we would have a quantum computer, what can we do with it ?",
Max Planck Institt Dresden, Dresden, Germany, April 2001
- H. De Raedt,
"If we would have a quantum computer, what can we do with it ?",
Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena 2001, Ladek Zdroj,
Poland, June 2001
- H. De Raedt,
"New Unconditionally Stable Algorithms to Solve the
Time-Dependent Maxwell Equations",
International Workshop on Materials Simulation, Shonan Village,
Japan, November 2001
- H. De Raedt,
"Quantum Computers as Physical Systems",
16th Nishinomiya Yukawa-Memorial Symposium, Nishinomiya, Japan,
November 2001
- H. De Raedt,
"Solving Computational Problems through Quantum Spin Dynamics",
Yukawa Institute, Kyoto, Japan, November 2001
- 2000:
- H. De Raedt,
"Quantum Computation and Quantum Spin Dynamics",
Physics Department, University of Utrecht, February 2000
- H. De Raedt,
"Quantum Computation",
Mathematics Department, University of Groningen, February 2000
- H. De Raedt,
"Simulation of Quantum Computers",
Workshop on Recent Developments in Computer Simulation Studies
in Condensed Matter Physics, Athens, Georgia, February 2000
- K. Michielsen
"Morphological Image Analysis",
Workshop on Recent Developments in Computer Simulation Studies
in Condensed Matter Physics, Athens, Georgia, February 2000
- H. De Raedt,
"Quantum Computation and Quantum Spin Dynamics",
University of Graz, March 2000
- H. De Raedt,
"If we would have a quantum computer, what can we do with it ?",
Free University of Amsterdam, September 2000
- H. De Raedt,
"Programming Ideal and Physically Realizable Quantum Computers",
Trends in Nanotechnology, Toledo, October 2000
- H. De Raedt,
"If we would have a quantum computer, what can we do with it ?",
Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo, November
- K. Michielsen
"Morphological Image Analysis: Application to Polymer Systems",
Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo, November
- 1999:
- H. De Raedt,
"Magnetization Dynamics in Nanomagnets",
University of Nijmegen, February, 1999
- H. De Raedt,
"Quantum Statistical Mechanics on a Quantum Computer",
5-th International Conference on Computational Physics,
Kanazawa, Japan, October, 1999
- K. Michielsen,
"Morphological Characterization of Complex Patterns",
5-th International Conference on Computational Physics,
Kanazawa, Japan, October, 1999
- H. De Raedt,
"Quantum Spin Dynamics and Quantum Computation",
Frontiers in Magnetism, Kyoto, Japan, October 1999
- H. De Raedt,
"Quantum Spin Dynamics and Quantum Computation",
Tokyo Univ., Japan, October 1999
- H. De Raedt,
"Stochastic Diagonalization",
Tokyo Science Univ., Japan, October 1999
- K. Michielsen,
"Morphological Characterization of Complex Patterns",
Tokyo Univ., Japan, October, 1999
- K. Michielsen,
"Morphological Characterization of Complex Patterns",
Tokyo Science Univ., Japan, October, 1999
- H. De Raedt,
"Quantum Computation",
Beyond 2000 Symposium, T.F.V. "Professor Francken", University
of Groningen, December 1999
- 1998:
- H. De Raedt,
"Quantum Simulations",
Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut (KVI), Groningen, January 1998
- H. De Raedt,
"Stochastic Diagonalisation",
Conference on Computer Simulation of Condensed Matter, Athens,
Georgia, February 1998
- K. Michielsen,
"Tijdsopgeloste Optische Detectie van Borstkanker",
Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen, February 1998
- K. Michielsen,
"Computer simulation of time-resolved optical imaging of small
objects, hidden in turbid media",
Theoretical Physics Seminar, Free University of Amsterdam, March
- H. De Raedt,
"Stochastic Diagonalisation",
Lectures at the NATO Advanced Study Institute: Quantum Monte
Carlo methods in Physics and Chemistry, Cornell University,
Ithaca, New York, July, 1998
- H. De Raedt,
"Dynamics of Antiferromagnets",
Monbusho Symposium: Relaxation of Metastable States through
Quantum Dynamics, Saclay, France, July, 1998
- H. De Raedt,
"Magnetization Dynamics in Nanomagnets",
International Symposium on Recent Developments in Condensed
Matter Physics, Leuven, Belgium, September, 1998
- 1997:
- K. Michielsen,
"Demonstration Multimedia Program: Quantum Mechanics",
Opening Assessment Center for Computer Assisted Education,
Groningen, January 1997
- H. De Raedt,
"Computer Animation of Quantum Phenomena in Nano-Structures",
University of Osaka, Osaka, February 1997
- H. De Raedt,
"Quantum Tunneling of the Magnetization"
University of Kanazawa, Kanazawa, March 1997
- H. De Raedt,
"Computer Animation of Quantum Phenomena in Nano-Structures",
International Meeting of the Japanese Association for Research
Cooperation, Zushi, March 1997
- H. De Raedt,
"Imaging small objects in turbid media: Computer Simulation
Tokyo, March 1997
- K. Michielsen,
"Frhlich Conductivity in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Model",
University of Osaka, Osaka, March 1997
- K. Michielsen,
"IconAuthor: Ervaringen van een tevreden gebruiker",
ECCOO Course Ware Presentations, Groningen, May 1997
- K. Michielsen,
"Theory of time-resolved imaging of tumors in human tissue",
Dalfsen, June 1997
- H. De Raedt,
"Time-resolved optical imaging of breast tumors",
Academic Hospital Groningen, September 1997
- K. Michielsen,
"Time-resolved detection of small objects in turbid media by
diffuse light: Simulation versus experiment",
BiOS Europe '97, Conference on Photon Migration in Tissues, San
Remo, September 1997
- H. De Raedt,
"Quantum Tunneling of the Magnetization in Nano-Scale Magnets",
Conference on Systems with Strong Quantum Fluctuations, Santa
Cruz (USA), December 1997
- 1996:
- H. De Raedt,
"Computer Animation of Electron Motion in Nano-Structures",
9th International Microelectronics Conference, St. Petersburg
Russia, July 1996
- K. Michielsen,
"Off-diagonal long-range order and superconductivity in
generalized Hubbard models",
Groningen, September 1996
- K. Michielsen,
"Visualization of Quantum Phenomena",
AVS Visualization-Day, Groningen, November 1996
- H. De Raedt,
"Computer Animation of Quantum Phenomena",
University of Regensburg, Regensburg, December 1996
- K. Michielsen,
"Quantum Mechanics: The Visualization of Fascinating Quantum
31th Woudschoten Conference, Noordwijkerhout,
December 1996
- 1995:
- H. De Raedt,
"Computer Simulation Methods for Correlated Electron Models",
University of Köln, Köln, January 1995
- K. Michielsen,
"Continuous and discontinuous metal-insulator transitions due to
correlated hopping",
Vlieland, May 1995
- H. De Raedt,
"Computer Simulation of Quantum Systems",
Dalfsen, June 1995
- H. De Raedt,
"Quantum Theory",
Lectures at the Como Summer School, Como, July 1995
- H. De Raedt,
"Quantum Interference of Identical Particles",
University of Zürich, Zürich, July 1995
- H. De Raedt,
"Product Formula Algorithms to Solve the Time-Dependent
Schrödinger Equation: Application to Two-Particle Quantum
Hayashibara Forum, Kyoto, July 1995
- H. De Raedt,
"Product Formula Algorithms to Solve the Time-Dependent
Schrödinger Equation",
Ferin Kurs, Chemnitz, September 1995
- H. De Raedt,
"Quantum Interference of Identical Particles",
Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut (KVI), Groningen, October 1995
- K. Michielsen,
"Metal-insulator transitions and phase separation in a
generalized Hubbard model",
Groningen, October 1995
- H. De Raedt,
"Quantum Interference of Identical Particles",
Colloqium, University of Kaiserslautern, November 1995