Computational Physics
Publications: 2020
- S. Bertaina, H. Vezin, H. De Raedt, and I. Chiorescu,
"Experimental protection of quantum coherence by using a phase-tunable image drive",
Sci. Rep. 10, 21643 (2020)
- M.S. Jattana, F. Jin, H. De Raedt, and K. Michielsen,
"General error mitigation for quantum circuits",
Quant. Inf. Proc. 19, 414 (2020)
- M. Willsch, D. Willsch, F. Jin, H. De Raedt, and K. Michielsen,
"Benchmarking the quantum approximate optimization algorithm",
Quant. Inf. Proc. 19, 197 (2020)
- M. Willsch, D. Willsch, K. Michielsen, F. Jin,
T. Denkmayr, S. Sponar, Y. Hasegawa, and H. De Raedt,
"Long-Time Correlations in Single-Neutron Interferometry Data",
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 89, 064005 (2020)
- H. De Raedt, M.S. Jattana, D. Willsch, M. Willsch, F. Jin, and K. Michielsen,
"Discrete-event simulation of an extended Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm experiment",
Front. Phys. 8:160 (2020)
- M. Willsch, D. Willsch, K. Michielsen, and H. De Raedt,
"Discrete-Event Simulation of Quantum Walks",
Front. Phys. 8:145 (2020)
- M. Menzel, M. Axer, H. De Raedt, I. Costantini, L. Silvestri,
F.S. Pavone, K. Amunts, and K. Michielsen,
"Toward a High-Resolution Reconstruction of 3D Nerve Fiber Architectures and
Crossings in the Brain Using Light Scattering
Measurements and Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulations",
Phys. Rev. X 10, 021002(2020)
- M. Willsch, D. Willsch, F. Jin, H. De Raedt, and K. Michielsen,
"Real-time simulation of flux qubits used for quantum annealing",
Phys. Rev. A 101, 012327 (2020)
- D. Willsch, M. Willsch, H. De Raedt, and K. Michielsen,
"Support vector machines on the D-Wave quantum annealer",
Comput. Phys. Comm. 248, 107006 (2020)
- D. Willsch, H. Lagemann, M. Willsch, F. Jin, H. De Raedt, and K. Michielsen,
"Benchmarking Supercomputers with the Jülich Universal Quantum Computer",
NIC Symposium 2020, Publication Series of the John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC)
NIC Series 50, 255 - 264 (2020)
- J. Richter, F. Jin, L. Knipschild, H. De Raedt, K. Michielsen, J. Gemmer, and R. Steinigeweg,
"Exponential damping induced by random and realistic perturbations",
Phys. Rev. E 101, 062133 (2020)