Quantum interference
Quantum interference
Quantum interference
of Quantum Phenomena
Within the framework of quantum theory,
it seems impossible to explain how the individual events that are registered
by detectors conspire to form interference patterns, as observed in some of the most fundamental experiments in quantum physics such as
The prevailing logic in quantum theory is to postulate that these phenomena cannot be explained. Instead of searching for possible explanations, it has become popular to prove all kinds of "no-go theorems" that purport to support this postulate. Although some of these theorems do not have the status of a mathematical theorem at all, it has become fashionable to believe that they are theorems. However, any respectable mathematical theorem is only valid under the conditions stated. Although quantum theory and probability theory are very useful to describe many of the phenomena that we observe in carefully designed experiments, the idea that Nature itself cares about mathematical conditions that we impose and mathematical theorems that we, humans, invent would put us humans in a very privileged position. The software on this website demonstrates that locally connected networks of processing units with a primitive learning capability (DLMs) are sufficient to simulate, event-by-event, the single-photon beam splitter and Mach-Zehnder
interferometer experiments, double-slit experiments with photons, and many
other quantum phenomena.
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Zernike Institute of Advanced Materials, University of Groningen
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